In the past 10 years, the applicant must have over 1-year fulltime (or equivalent) work experience, NOC defined: 0, A or B
Meet the Language Skills requirements
Secondary School Education or equivalent;
Obtain 67 points or above in the Federal Point-Sytem (Total 100):
0013 / Senior managers – financial, communications and other business services / 資深經理 – 金融、傳播和其他商業服務
0015 / Senior managers - trade, broadcasting and other services / 資深經理 – 貿易,廣播及其他服務
0111 / Financial managers / 財務經理
0112 / Human resources managers / 人力資源經理
0113 / Purchasing managers / 採購經理
0121 / Insurance, real estate and financial brokerage managers / 保險,房地產及金融經理
0311 / Managers in health care / 醫療保健經理
0711 / Construction managers / 建築施工管理人員
0712 / Home building and renovation managers / 房屋建築及裝修
0811 / Managers in natural resources production and fishing / 自然資源生產和漁業經理
0911 / Manufacturing managers / 生產製造業經理
1111 / Financial auditors and accountants / 財務審計師和會計師
1112 / Financial and investment analysts / 金融投資分析師
1113 / Securities agents, investment dealers and brokers / 債卷代理商,投資商和經紀人
1114 / Other financial officers / 其他財務人員
1123 / Professional occupations in advertising, marketing and public relations / 廣告,市場和公關專員
1212 / Supervisors, finance and insurance office workers / 主管,金融保險辦公室人員
1224 / Property administrators / 物業管理員
2113 / Geoscientists and oceanographers / 地質學家和海洋學家
2131 / Civil engineers / 土木工程師
2132 / Mechanical engineers / 機械工程師
2133 / Electrical and electronics engineers / 電器和電子工程師
2145 / Petroleum engineers / 石油工程師
2171 / Information systems analysts and consultants / 信息系統分析員及顧問
2172 / Database analysts and data administrators / 數據分析師和數據管理員
2173 / Software engineers and designers / 軟件工程師和設計師
2174 / Computer programmers and interactive media developers / 計算機程序員和互動媒體開發
2232 / Mechanical engineering technologists and technicians / 機械工程技師和技術員
2234 / Construction estimators / 建築估價師
2241 / Electrical and electronics engineering technologists and technicians / 電器和電子工程技術人員
2243 / Industrial instrument technicians and mechanics / 工業儀表技術員和技師
2263 / Inspectors in public and environmental health and occupational health and safety / 公眾和環境健康及職業健康安全專員
2281 / Computer network technicians / 計算機網路技術人員
3011 / Nursing co-ordinators and supervisors / 護理協調員及主管
3012 / Registered nurses and registered psychiatric nurses / 註冊護士及註冊精神科護士
3111 / Specialist physicians / 專科醫生
3112 / General practitioners and family physicians / 全科醫生和家庭醫師
3132 / Dietitians and nutritionists / 營養師和營養學家
3141 / Audiologists and speech-language pathologists / 聽覺病矯正專家和語音病理學家
3142 / Physiotherapists / 物理治療師
3143 / Occupational therapists / 職業治療師
3214 / Respiratory therapists, clinical perfusionists and cardiopulmonary technologists / 呼吸治療師,臨床灌注師和心肺技師
3215 / Medical radiation technologists / 醫療放射技師
3216 / Medical sonographers / 醫學超聲波檢查師
3233 / Licensed practical nurses / 持照護士
3234 / Paramedical occupations / 醫療補助職業
4011 / University professors and lecturers / 大學教授和講師
4151 / Psychologists / 心理學家
4214 / Early childhood educators and assistants / 幼兒教育工作者和助理
5125 / Translators, terminologists and interpreters / 翻譯和口譯
Federal Skilled Workers
Federal Skilled Workers are assessed on individual's work experience, education, language skills and other criterias; from 2014, Citizenship and Immigration Canada has increased the cap to accept 25,000 applicants, and from 24 professions up to 50, providing an efficient and direct channel for qualified applicants to enter Canadian work force.